Thursday, June 26, 2014

June 26th 2014 = 12 days into my 50th year!!!

Wow entering my 50's has been quite an adjustment.  No, I feel the same (young) but certainly am noticing age creep up on my body!!  Teaching will definitely keep one young!!  So far this summer I have gotten partially organized.  I really struggle with this one!  One big goal I have every year is to become organized.  Just not quite sure how to do it successfully.  I will post pictures of the mass chaos/ complete confusion and disorder : a state in which behavior and events are not controlled by anything!! 

I have 4 weeks to get this under controlllllllllllll!!!!!!!!  

Monday, September 3, 2012

I have created several Journal pages and my students seem to enjoy creating them as well.  I am absolutely thrilled with the plethora of examples that people have shared!!  So mine will look very similar.  When I grow up I too will create pages that are unique!!  BUT for now why invent the wheel!  I love looking at everyone's and using them as guides for mine!

Time is Flying!!

I am loving the notebooks we are creating in math!!  Once again I owe it all to the great people who share.  I hope that some day I will have some total original ideas that I can pass along to everyone!!  But in the mean time WOW these are fun.  I have been able to take a picture of the pages I create and put them on my white board for the students to copy.  They do in in color!  
In addition to math I teach two Social Studies.  I have also started the notebooking for S.S as well.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

I'm going on a pin hunt!!

Tomorrow is our first day back to school (teachers).  So I have one week to get my math games organized.  OK so organization is NOT my strong point so I am procrastinating.  So again I am going on a pin hunt.  I need to wrap my mind around how to organize them so that they are easy to FIND and use.  I have SEVERAL already in baggies and folders it is just storing them that is a problem.  I have even more that need to be put together and organized.  Any suggestions???  I have them all over my floor in the upstairs "teacher" room of my home.  It is a work in progress but I will overcome this.  I just need a little guidance.  So this is my next challenge. Suggestions are always welcome.

Saturday, July 28, 2012 this past week we were able to get into our rooms and set up!  I am super excited to post some pictures because I put a lot of thought into setting up.  I will have to show all the GREAT ideas I used from all of the GREAT pins from pinterest.  I am new to this bloggy thingy so I will have to figure out how to post pictures.  BUT I am so proud and also so thankful for all of the wonderful ideas other teachers share.

 I will have six groups of 4.  I have a shelf for each group that will house EVERYTHING they need.  They will have a binder that is for math only that will stay in the classroom on the shelves.  I have a white board, dry erase markers, socks, art supplies, and the cones that I bought at the dollar store on each shelf. 

This is another group and on the back of the shelves are some character posters.  In the back of the room you see my shelves that will hold games and station items. 

On the wall by each group will be a white board (right now it is in the floor waiting to be put up) so if I am helping the group I do not have to leave them or so I can have the group work on it together.

This view is from my door.  The table at the front will be for me and my small group.  At first I thought it may be crowded with the shelves and all but it is still roomy and it flows perfectly.  Students will have EVERYTHING they need so no need to be on the floor!

WOW....I could not have thought of these wonderful ideas without the help of all the wonderful resources from other teachers!!  So a great big THANK YOU!!